Healthy and Healing…


I hope everyone is well. It is now a while since I have been in this space. As I am sure is the same for most of us, we are making the most of that big blob of yellow in the sky and enjoying the summer of 2021.

As we are all on catch-up mode, there are so many golden opportunities out there. Friends and Family abundant and also so many outside activities are calling to us all. I have been busy soaking up all that surrounds me.

My month has been pretty wonderful, it was my birthday month and was also the month of many activities. I have continued to practice Zen Yoga and Meditation in our beautiful group and I have also participated in some other holistic activities, including a gong bath, nature workshop and a crystal workshop.

As for the floral side of life, suddenly everything has jumped into life. Everywhere I look we are surrounded by sheer vibrancy and colour. The feel good factor is immense. I have also enjoyed visiting some beautiful gardens here on the island. It is so lovely to enjoy all the love, time and patience that has gone into nurturing these very artistic outside canvases. As someone who is an absolute beginner in the gardening stakes, I am also now aware of just how very therapeutic it is to potter around plants. As for the sentence “the garden could do with some rain”, yes I now more than appreciate that too.

I now try to have just a few minutes in the garden each morning, post breakfast, as a gratitude and mindful practice. The art of just being, which brings me onto the next stage of this blog.

Whenever we practice anything meditative we are asked to check into our body to how it is feeling. Also when reading well-being books, I am quite often asked to do a body scan.

So what do our bodies tell us and do you listen to yours ?

Below I have listed some possible well-being practices that can perhaps be part of a daily/weekly wellbeing toolkit:-

Treats this month:-
Crystal Workshop
ong Bath
ature Workshop

The Island is the epicentre of wellbeing, there are so many good practices/practitioners here. It is really just a case of finding your vibe and your tribe. I absolutely adore living in an environment that is surrounded by all things good for our wellbeing. Nature nurtures us and I think now as a nation we appreciate it so much more than ever before.

Today I dedicate this blog to my love of photography and all of the colour and beauty that currently surrounds us.

Within the holistic world colour is very important, both with chakras and crystals. Today I am going to centre on chakras.

Chakras are located in 7 areas within the body and they are our own personal cogs that make sure all is balanced in our lives. If something becomes off balance, your body will soon make you aware. However as this is Elements of Happiness, I will work with the positives.


Crown Chakra (7th)
Located -Top of head
Colour - Voilet White
Strengths - Spiritually connected/Calm


Third Eye Chakra (6th)
Located - Between brows
Colour - Indigo/Purple
Strengths - Balance/Insightful

Throat Chakra (5th)
Located - Throat
Colour - Blue
Strengths - Communication - speaking your truth
(Totland Bay)


Heart Chakra (4th)
Located - Heart
Colour - Green
Strengths - Compassion and Healing

Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd)
Located - Naval
Colour - Yellow
Strengths - Energy, Confidence and Power


Sacral Chakra (2nd)
Lower Stomach
Colour - Orange
Strengths - Creativity and pleasure.

Base Chakra/Root Chakra (1st)
Colour - Red
Strengths - Grounding

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray” Rumi

I hope you have enjoyed reading this month’s blog and I hope it has given you some ideas of what your own wellbeing toolkit might look.

As always, thank you for reading.

Stay safe and well.

Until next time.

Jules xx


August …


Hi July…