Self care …

Hi everyone

How are we feeling this week? Week 6 of Lockdown 3

It’s nearly March amazingly. It is so lovely to see some prettiness starting to happen when we go for our walks. Brighter skies are hopefully on their way and flowers are blooming.

As we await the next government announcement on Monday 22nd. I thought I would make the opportunity for this weeks blog to be about self care:-

Since being in Lockdown/s I have always kept a Journal for my own personal wellbeing (please see last weeks blog). I like sitting peacefully and writing, having now tried so many genres of art. I have decided photography and writing are definitely my favourites. I have to admit there is even a small part of me that has quite enjoyed being an “Exclusive Reclusive” especially on wet soggy days, which have finally allowed me to give myself a little bit of permission to Journal. Living in a constant state of discombobulation as we are at the moment isn’t ideal, as I discovered earlier this week.

My own personal wellbeing and resilience did hit a bit of a low this week, it did pass, as emotions do, for that I am grateful!

Below I have listed some self care ideas:-

10 self care ideas

Go for a walk, even if it’s pouring with rain.
Eat nourishing food and also have a treat.
Hit your personal pause button, try to take a break.
Watch or listen to something fascinating or funny.
Stay hydrated. Hot water and root ginger is my personal fav.
Take some deep breathes with some meditation music.
Stay in cyber touch with friends, but also moderate screen time.
Read, write, do something creative and calming.
Take a lovely bath, shower, pamper.
Sleep !

I am writing this purely from my own personal reflections in life. I have found that rituals and routines have helped me massively through Lockdown and my own personal stuff. I am also very much limiting my time in cyber space.

“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can” Frida Kahlo

Our Daily Gratitude Walks, have been very wet, but worth every step. It is amazing how exhilarating it is to walk in the rain. However spring is definitely on it’s way. We are so fortunate to have the walks that we do, right on our doorstep. I do very much look forward to being able to go further a field and get my camera out. (My blog photos are currently taken on my phone).

Week 3 of my on-line Journalling Journey continues, with some very interesting prompts from Kirsty Gallagher Lunar Living.

I hope that you have enjoyed this weeks Elements of Happiness.

Always look up, we have the most amazing early morning pink skies at the moment.

Until next time.

Stay safe and well.

Jules xx


It’s Spring !


The Joys of Journalling