One year on…

Hi Guys

I hope everyone is well.

It’s amazing to believe that we are already so close to the 2021 August Bank Holiday and it’s good that the weather is trying to stay with us. My flip flops are still well and truly out - just!

This week, I celebrate the fact that Elements of Happiness is One, launched on 20/08/20. I am so pleased that I persisted with this, my then lockdown project.


For any new readers, the reason for setting up my website was to give my then , 4 years of Island photos a home. The even bigger reason for setting up was to start blogging, to get some words out there, which due to a lovely big visit from my inner critic, that bit actually began a few months later in December. I haven’t looked back. It is one of the very tools that got me through Lockdown 3, in the winter months. When it is all too easy to end up feeling depleted or lacking in energy. This space kept me inspired.

As with many things in life we start out with one aim and then before we know it, it seems somehow to transform into something else. I have now decided that writing in any form is currently my calling, whether to personally journal or blog, it’s all very therapeutic and most importantly getting big “thinks” out of your head and onto paper helps be kind to the mind. As much as my history is with photography, I now perhaps am looking at things from another angle.

I hope you have enjoyed looking at my images in my various galleries, Gallery 5 is yet to open!

So this week, I have decided to have a little reflect, starting with a very rare photo of me with a furry friend. This so makes me smile, as it is an island activity that we tend to do each summer, with or without children and it is the best fun!

When blogging about nature, I enjoy using it to portray the change of colour and scenery as we travel through the seasons. If you look at any landscape it provides us with its own unique palette of colours and patterns, while also giving us our own blank canvas to enjoy it how we choose. Whether walking in woodland, country, coast, sea, with animals, wave watching or cloud watching, everything is a little piece of art and so incredibly nourishing for the mind, body and soul.

Enjoying nature releases endorphins and serotonin (happy cells) and decreases Cortisol levels (the stressful stuff).

I have learnt that we can look after our MEPS, Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual wellbeing by:-

  1. Daily gratitude walk in nature is good exercise, clears the head and creates space for new ideas.

  2. Daily gratitude journal, helps with the art of appreciation. Written or photographic.

  3. Pets or other animals are incredibly therapeutic, count how many animals you see while on a walk.

  4. Meditation/YOGA (Guided) practise, helps to create inner peace.

  5. Reading helps to provide the perfect opportunity to learn or escape for a while.

    I have also deepened my love of nature by taking part in the following:-

  1. A Nature workshop.

  2. An Art group.

  3. A Forage walk.

  4. A Bird talk and walk.

  5. Forest Bath - Shinrin Yoku

  6. Gong Bath - using Himalayan sound bowls

It’s good that there are so many innovative nature-loving souls around, to turn nature into a sociable occasion. Elements of Happiness has helped me to grow and appreciate so much and I do of course now have some great buddies through these activities.

The main things that lockdown and indeed relocating have taught me, is that we are all creatures of habit and incredibly dependent on all that is familiar and once that is removed, we feel uprooted. We are traditionally designed to be in communities and while some of us may still enjoy a little curl up with a good book and a little bit of exclusive reclusiveness, being “out out” is important.


I’ve recently practised a little (guided) Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing), the art of walking, sitting or lying within trees while listening to a meditation. The biggest thing I learnt, was that trees mainly remain rooted and within familiar circles, giving each other oxygen and support. Even when they become uprooted or blown over in a storm, they remain protected by the rest of their tree community. It was fascinating to see how trees depend on one another for support, just like human beings. They all have different shapes, colours, textures and roles in life. How many times have you walked through a wood and seen a fallen tree supported?

Who is your biggest support in life? Do you feel nourished by your fellow trees? Where is your happy place?

I have also had the opportunity to go to a couple of gong bath sessions this summer, (also surrounded by trees). A gong bath is created through the use of gongs, singing bowls, tuning bowls and bells. These are used with a vocal meditation. The soundscape aids a restful meditation.


Finally, this really did make my day, as with the other week when I stumbled upon a poppy field, finding this field abundant with sunflowers, did make me happy, just as they are, happy flowers. Look at those beautiful faces. It is almost like they are a crowd of happy faces and as for the image below. What would your caption be?


As always thank you for reading. Wishing you a happy bank Holiday weekend!

Until next time stay safe.

Enjoy your week.

Jules xx


A tale of two cities …


Happy begins here …