May - Sacred places …

Dear Readers

It’s good to be back with a story to tell!

I have felt for some time now that my soul is calling for something. So I decided to have a little pilgrimage to three very special sacred spaces:-

Day 1 - Stonehenge

This most iconic site, a 40 minute drive from my childhood home, now is home to a massive visitor centre and on arrival, I did feel ever so slightly as though I was in central London, with so many different people and languages in the air. It is such a popular destination to visit and although we were amongst literally hundreds of people, it was a sheer pleasure to walk around this sacred circle of stones. The stones date back to 2,500 BC, some were brought from Wales! The strength and determination that must have been involved with manoeuvring these great stones by our prehistoric ancestors is unimaginable.

As we walked around the circle, skylarks were circling too, a random hare bounced across the grass as the traffic hurtled past on the A303... Still a very thought-provoking space. The moody sky made it even more enchanting and the stones remained very much centre of our attention. Stonehenge famous for it’s alignment with Solstice sunsets and sunrises and for all the spiritual rituals that have and will always take place, in and around these very sacred stones.

Day 2 - Glastonbury

I have been to Glastonbury once before many moons ago, but today was going to be very different, so much has happened in my life and to me spiritually since my last visit. I just knew today was going to be special, well that was my intention and it was.

We arrived, parked and walked through a little alley which led us to the main High Street, this is where the magic began in every sense of the word. There was I, a 55 year old female, feeling like I had been reacquainted with so many things. The shops in Glastonbury are abundant with all things spiritual and as soon as you walk down the street there is a real soporific feel. Everything is very relaxed and the opportunity to be curious is calling in abundance. Like a child in a sweet shop, I was totally enthralled from the moment I arrived and every shop was like walking from one magical kingdom to another.

I love how you are able to walk off a bustling high street, full of every spiritual thing possible, where just behind sits a beautiful abbey encompassing its ancient site. As soon as I set eyes on it, I was transported to a very different place, no haste required. I had arrived where I wanted to be and with that came an instant calm. Just being there in the moment dissolved all worries away. It was lovely to have the opportunity to capture this feeling and some lovely images. The Lady Chapel was the first beautiful sight that captured my heart and just beyond this is reputedly the site of Arthur’s Tomb . The grounds are so beautiful. It was so lovely to be in this unique environment, with people peacefully sitting on benches and just being. No mobile phones, just purely in the moment, just being.

Chalice Well Gardens

After the Abbey we paused at a local coffee shop and soaked up the scene, before walking through the streets to Chalice Well Gardens, which are found between the Chalice Hill and the Tor. Truly, there is nothing that could have prepared me for this experience.

On arrival to the garden we walked down some steps to the Vesica Pool where the water flows through seven figure-of-eight bowls.

Walking up through the gardens I find a new kind of serenity has become present within me. The Garden is a quiet zone. People from all walks of life are here, hoping to heal, or to connect to their inner thoughts in this living sanctuary. The only sounds are the trickling of water and birdsong. The Garden has ancient yew trees acting as a canopy which shelter those in King Arthur’s Court and healing pool which has been here since the 18th century. You are able to walk through the pool. The Garden has many sections, and the next part of this wonderful journey was to drink pure Chalice Well spring water from the Lion’s Head. This is followed by the Angel Seat and the Wellhead, which has a sacred symbol of two interlocking circles symbolising the union of heaven and earth. Finally I took myself to the meadow where the sun shone down.

A very special journey

I am so grateful that I/we got to visit Glastonbury and am still basking in the afterglow of my visit and the wonderful feeling of connection to all the history that surrounds us. I already have plans to return one day.

I truly feel as though this trip has also encapsulated all that I have learnt spiritually over the last few years. If only it was possible to capture all those moments too.

Above are just a few of the images that I managed to capture.

Stay well until next time.

Jules xx


Happy Summer Solstice …


If it’s good for your soul