Christmas Eve 2020…

It is Christmas Eve:-

As our island is about to move from Tier 1 to Tier 3, I have decided to have a little reflection on my week. It has also made me more determined to keep a blog. I have always written, I find it very therapeutic.


The last week of December 2020 has represented a lot of mixed emotions! Stepping aside from all that is currently happening, my socially distanced week looked a little like this:-

  • My last on-line yoga class via Zoom, one of the good things that came out of 2020 was Zoom. My, once very timid cats are a now quite well versed with new sounds, thanks to the various Zoom meetings I (they) have attended. They have become regular little yogi’s.

  • I left my “bubble” and went to Quarr Abbey, my sacred place to say a personal prayer.

  • I arrived at Quarr Abbey just before 9am, in my mask and with hand-sanitiser, in this, our new world. The brothers were lighting candles ready for mass. The nativity scene was beautiful.

  • There is something very special just allowing yourself to sit and be with your own thoughts. I think that is what I have learnt most over the last two years. I like that even in times like these, it is good to be able to calm my mind, even if that is just two minutes.

Today my daily (when possible) mindful walk was on the western side of the island. When I am out in nature I can almost tell myself that everything is alright. This morning was the brightest sunniest morning, but also incredibly crisp and invigorating. We have a much used saying on this island “We are so lucky”.

Fresh air really is the best therapy ever. Can you believe that view? Behind Tennyson is the Solent and Hurst Spit, it’s incredible.

Before I go …


When emotions are all over the place, my personal survival bag looks like:-

  • Breathe, have a peaceful moment.

  • Stay in touch (cyber)

  • Cuddle/snuggle pets

  • Go for a mindful walk and some fresh air

  • Do something for charity

  • Eat something nourishing

  • Enjoy a favourite hobby

  • Keep a gratitude journal

  • Watch or listen to something cheerful

  • AVOID social media (if possible)

“When the big things feel out of control - focus on what you love right under your nose” - Charlie Mackesy

Please stay safe and have a lovely Christmas.

Jules x


The boy …


Ottolenghi’s Almond, Lemon, Blueberry Cake