A new landscape ….

Hello my lovelies,

Wow and just like that we are suddenly approaching September!

A lot has changed since I last wrote. My landscape for one has changed. Since last writing, I am now living back in Hampshire, in Romsey, which is a delightful little market town.

After 8 years of living on the beautiful Isle of Wight, my spiritual home and very big creative zone and the magical space where my website was created. I have now returned to my roots.

As with all change there is a time of transition. We have now lived here for nearly 15 weeks and I am certainly enjoying that exploring and discovery feeling that is generated when we are newbies in any area in our lives, a feeling of liberation that when I walk into town I am to some degree anonymous, although I have also enjoyed bumping into people that I haven’t seen for a while. Mainly I love that new feeling of being open to exploration. A new chapter to write, while also having the opportunity to reminisce.

I also love that our main walk into town, involves a path which I find utterly delightful. I can now reach all that I need by foot, a great inspiration to have a daily walk.

I have also made a new friend on the way. A heron, for anyone familiar with spirit animals, a spirit animal is one that keeps appearing in our life over a certain period of time.

Heron symbolism:-
The heron is a symbol of patience, grace and wisdom. In many cultures, the heron is seen as a messenger between the earthly and spiritual realms. It’s long legs represent stability and progress, while its ability to stand still for long periods, symbolise focus and mindfulness. The heron spirit animal is also known for its calm and collected nature, and embodies strength, focus and determination. (Astrology.com)

Do you have a spirit animal?

My landscape is very lush and green, being based in and around the River Test local walks are in abundance.

My other favourite place, is sitting in this little corner in our garden, even though the weather has been very changeable this summer, this table has been used for everything. It is our gathering place, where we eat, drink, read, write and fuss our beautiful purrs. It is a little piece of peace and mindfulness. It has been my personal mission to love this space as much as possible. It affectionately reminds me of the little rhyme below:-

“Halfway down the stairs is a stair where I sit. There isn't any other stair quite like it. I'm not at the bottom, I'm not at the top; So this is the stair where I always Stop”.

A A Milne

Other news and views:-

So my blog and photos will now be more country than coastal. I will try to capture all that glimmers in my direction.

Cow Common - Chilbolton

September dates:-

2nd. New Moon
18th. Full Harvest/Corn Moon
21st World Peace Day
22nd. Autumn Equinox and Mabon

Thank you for reading.
Until next time enjoy the rest of the summer.

Jules xx

IG @elementsofhappiness_xx


Liberation & Light