Liberation & Light

Hello my friends

Happy Spring and Easter weekend!

I always feel as though Spring brings with her, new hope and the feeling of light and liberation. Suddenly the mood lightens and the air is full of colour and beautiful spring flowers. Like this beautiful Magnolia tree. What does feeling light and liberated mean? How does it make us feel?

Like all of us, I look forward to the warmer air and more daytime hours. Our lives and wardrobes have the opportunity to lighten up too. Another area that spring lifts is our image, by the colours that are now being introduced to our days.

Another way of feeling light, is to let things go both mentally and physically. A spring clean is a great way of creating space and of course an act of kindness in giving someone else something that will bring them joy. Allowing more warmth and light into someone’s life and of course, kind to the environment.

It’s all the small things that help to keep life in alignment.

Five other Fab things to do to prepare for Spring:-

Create some new Spring rituals.

Go for a walk in nature and perhaps take a photo a day.

Create a new recipe inspired by seasonal produce.

Declutter your wardrobe and home.

Watch your gratitude journal start to blossom, as the season and mood lifts.

This morning I found this lovely poem on @Chopra

As you transition out of March

May the light renew you
May your heart thaw and
open wide to the promise
of new beginnings.
In this transition,
may you feel deeply seen,
truly heard, and embraced
in full acceptance.
Let joy energise your spirit,
Dance in this light of rebirth,
as you step from the shadow
of winter into the warmth and
wonder of Spring.

Thank you always for reading.

Until next time.

Enjoy as much Spring air as possible.

Jules xx


A new landscape ….


On reflection…