On reflection…

Hello my lovelies

Well what a difference a month makes. This year when January arrived I made some personal vows to myself:-

To embrace the stillness of the days and the darkness of the nights.
To hunker down while the weather does what it does at this time of year.
To attempt some form of creativity.
To go with the winter flow.

We have now just left February, ending with the 29th Leap Day and the skies are trying to become a little brighter, in between the rain!


I like to call March the month of hope, it’s the time of year when things start to blossom and brighten. The skies, start to show us a dazzling array of hues and after the heaviness of the winter weather, it definitely helps us to start to channel some hope in our veins for brighter days ahead. Hopefully my footstep count will increase once again.

The skies have been totally enchanting and the extra light is like a hug from nature. My body and bones are definitely ready for some warmth. Even if, at this stage it is just the occasional walk without gloves. I am, as always ready for some Spring air. It’s always so captivating to look out the window to a sky like this one. It is also so beautiful to see the daffodils blooming. They are good for the soul.

In my last blog I started a bullet journal, very different to my usual gratitude journal! I have attempted some doodles, my inner artist is yet to shine through. I have had some fun attempts and (in all honesty) some not so fun. I will keep trying and hope to share some pages with you soon. Once I am brave enough. It is proving to be a great organisational and distraction tool, even if the arty side needs some work.

Other News and Views:-

I have some beautiful views to share. I have had this date in my diary since October, so it was great to enjoy a little lunar loveliness at Winchester Cathedral to see the installation by @LukeJerram and also a visit to the Crypt where Sir Anthony Gormley’s sculpture “Sound II” can be found.

My other good news discovery this month was www.worldofbooks.com I highly recommend looking at their site if you are a bookworm. They offer second hand books in very good condition, which help us to recycle and be kind to the environment and above all to be kind to trees. Below are two books that I have had on my wish list for a while and became this months treat to myself and they are both so beautiful, both inside and out.

Likewise I have donated some of my old books to a local charity shop for someone else to enjoy.

“I want to write, but more than that, I want to bring out all kinds
of things that lie buried deep in my heart”
Anne Frank

As always, I hope you have enjoyed reading some of my moments of gratitude and that you enjoy my recommendations.

Until next time. Which I hope will be at the end of the month.
Stay safe and well.
Jules xx


Liberation & Light


Self care rituals …