No passport required…

Hi Guys

Welcome back to my nature space!

I really do hope everyone is well.

Even with the arrival of the Autumn Equinox on the 22nd September, we are still fortunate enough to be surrounded by those beautiful blue skies which are simply stunning. Although there is now a more autumnal feel to the air, the only real difference is that the evenings are now darker. I’m normally ready for the Autumn/Winter season, especially with two of the most adorable purrs to curl up with, which really does make it easy to hibernate.

This year however, I am determined to enjoy every single blue sky that we are given and as you can see from the two shots below at Watcombe Bay (Freshwater) and Culver Cliff (Sandown) we have not been at all disappointed. I am elated to be able to share them, because I had mentally prepared some autumn shades to share with you. Instead I have been provided with the opportunity to capture these beautiful images.

Walking around on this island is a sheer joy. The island now has various cycling and walking festivals, so the island still has a buzz about it. Both Culver Cliff and Tennyson Down (above Watcombe Bay) are two much walked/cycled paths.

My own “no passport required” tour has continued:-


Until the other week, even when I lived on the mainland, Somerset is somewhere that I had rarely touched upon. So we decided to take ourselves for an adventure.

Taking a ferry from Yarmouth to Lymington this time, which was followed with a drive through the New Forest and Salisbury to head towards Somerset.

Well what can I say, Somerset was delightful. While there we visited Bruton and Frome. Once again we found ourselves in another very artistic district, with heavenly foodie places and some pretty amazing landscapes. Below is a photo of a bronze sculpture “The man on the bench” who happily sits next to the River Brue. The image next to it is from the gardens of Hauser and Wirth who are located on the edge of Bruton at Durslade Farm, another incredibly artistic space.

I loved the buildings, the streets, the history. Above all I loved how incredibly trendy everything was, both Frome and Bruton are home to some super fashionable finds.

Top tip:- Do check on opening times as quite a lot of things are closed on a Monday, such as local independent shops, some cafes and some visitor centres.

I would highly recommend a visit. I definitely hope to be back in the Spring.

Other news and views:-

Back on the Island, just when I thought things couldn’t get any prettier, I fell upon “another” field of sunflowers … in September. Even more importantly, it was abundant with bees, butterflies and a whole array of insects. During this walk we were also joined by a couple of kestrels. No photo, but that is the sheer beauty of walking mindfully and soaking up whatever happens around you.

Walking in nature is so vital for our mental well-being and seeing this field really did raise my happy vibes.

Book Review:-

I have now started to look affectionately at my book collection, as we approach Autumn, a good reading and nesting season. I am trying when possible to invest in hardbacks, because then they really are a book for life and always great to dip into. I can highly recommend both of the books below:-

The Healing Power of Flowers by Claire Bowen and Eve Nemeth

The Hedgerow Apothecary by Christine Iverson.

The content of both is fabulous and the photography phenomenal. I am totally in love.

Until next time I hope everyone stays healthy and nurtured by nature - Mother Nature.

Thank you for reading.

Please stay safe.

Jules xx


Autumn intentions...


A tale of two cities …