Elevating my senses..

Hi Guys

I hope everyone is well and enjoying this fabulous weather and freedom!

Here on the island it is absolutely buzzing to the highest degree. There are so many visitors here enjoying all that surrounds us. As locals however, we do have the option of being a little more off grid, as we are still remaining quite cautious. We can especially enjoy nature which has supplied us with the most beautiful palette of colours. The island is immersed in the presence of so many beautiful trees and flowers, both in the garden and wild. Everything is both blooming and abundant.


June is the month of the Rose and they are looking just so beautiful. These are actually in my garden. We have Peace, Amber Gold, Abundant Pink and Gertrude Jekyll to name but a few, all have the most beautiful fragrance, with Gertrude Jekyll perhaps being the most intense.

The pictures below were taken during a recent visit to our very local botanical gardens (V.B.G.).

The heat has been amazing, unless of course you are two little black furry purrs, but they enjoy the dawn and late evening and currently, as I type they too enjoy my meditation music that I type to - Purr.

We have just had an overnight shower and the beautiful smell of petrichor surrounds us. It is definitely one of my favourite smells, along with freshly cut grass, which as far as I know doesn’t have a specific name.

My latest news and views in Nature since last blogging:-

We have been on a guided bird walk which really did bring great joy, we went to a “new to us” wood called Combley Great Wood and the birds were quite literally singing their little hearts out. Once you stand peacefully and listen it really is incredible what you can hear. I now when possible try to listen to these little souls singing to us. I listen with new ears and more depth, I can now even become lost in birdsong, so perhaps learning to become more mindful during my meditation classes has helped me to stay in the present rather than having the urge to behave like Zebedee (here I show my age:-) We saw many of our favourite birds, on this particular morning, Jays, Spotted Woodpecker and the Blackcaps were the showstoppers, who really do sing a very sweet tune. When leaving the wood, we were quite aptly treated to a fly pass from a Raptor, so that rounded off the morning quite nicely. Once again another element of enjoying our time in nature.

Butterflies are also incredibly abundant, my husband managed to capture a Painted Lady on his phone, which has possibly flown in from sub-Saharan Africa

Other news:-

Monday 21st sees the arrival of the summer Solstice, which marks the longest day of the year where the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, reminding us to celebrate the nourishing light we are offered.

Thursday 24th the Full Strawberry moon arrives.

“May your days be full of Good Health, Happiness, Inner Peace and Compassion”

Once again, thank you for reading.

Until next time.

Stay safe and well.

Jules xx


Hi July…


Earl Grey and Cardamon Melts …