Easter …

Hi Everyone

I hope you are well and everyone enjoyed the beautiful blue skies, that Easter brought with her. Wow, what a difference a few weeks makes. Spring is definitely on the way, although there is still a crisp bite in the air, everything is starting to feel brighter. Mother Nature really is starting to blossom. I really do feel like we are entering into a time of renewal. I really do feel very fortunate to have so much nature on our doorstep.


Did you manage to get some fresh air this weekend? Easter for us involved so many places of outstanding beauty, which is very evident. Socially distanced walks are very easy too, as my photos will show.

Our weekend started by going to a private garden, in a Jacobean Manor to look at their beautiful Magnolias (below) and Camellias. We even managed to find ourselves at one point in a tree-house (anyone who knows me, will know both my love of wood and of eclectic dwellings).


It is of course Blossom season, otherwise known as Hanami season in Japan. A time where the Japanese celebrate by gathering under blossom trees with friends and picnics. Perhaps something that may happen here, they are definitely worth celebrating.


Another walk involved being out on the downs, which gave us a much loved view of Tennyson Down and just behind it, we can also see Hurst Point Spit, which is a walk we used to (drive to) when we lived in Hampshire.

It has been so lovely, just being able to go a little further afield, now that we have the weather on our side. It is far easier to walk on solid ground, than some of the muddy stuff we trudged through earlier this year.


Easter Sunday, involved indulging in some much needed egg eating and ended with an afternoon stroll, which took us to a woodland area surrounding Freemantle Gate. On deciding to take a different route out of the woods we soon found ourselves on very new territory, with so many beautiful views, animals and the most idyllic country cottages. At one point we were standing in the middle of a field, and on looking back we realised that we could in fact see Culver Cliff and the sea behind us. Wherever we go, we can normally either see Culver or Tennyson in varying distance.


We have also spent some time at Niton this weekend, both on the cliff overlooking the sea and on the actual beautiful coastal path in and around St Catherine’s Lighthouse. I also stopped to say hello to these two little cuties. I did ask their farmer if I could have one, but she reassured me that they do actually grow up :-) So sweet!


Now as we await the next Boris announcement this evening. I do find myself wondering how the rest of 2021 will pan out. There is evidently a new feeling in the air. A feeling of hope. A feeling of optimism. I do look forward to coffee shops and especially hair shops re-opening. As I haven’t actually been to a High Street since February 2020, shops seem to be very much off my radar (at the moment). Coffee shops and friends are very much on my radar.

We are surrounded by so much beauty, why would we need to go anywhere? I look forward to continuing our Wight adventure. My love of animals and clouds continues. Nephophile: A cloud lover.


While I am still in my “Exclusive Reclusive” mode. I am continuing to read and digest lots of fabulous facts. “This one wild and precious life by Sarah Wilson” certainly gets 10/10 from me. If you get the chance!


Until next time.

Thank you for reading.

Stay safe.

Jules xx

Instagram - ElementsofhappinessIOW


A new chapter …


Time to reflect …