Time to reflect …

Hi Guys

I hope everyone is well.

So, here we are, a year after we went into our first Lockdown. Possibly all feeling very different to how we ever have before.

A time to reflect and to renew. We have now reached a safer stage where we are able to go outside and meet in small groups, of up to six people. I am very much looking forward to catching up with friends, as I think I typed in a previous blog, we have been in a very tight bubble. It will be so good to catch up in real life. Although as someone who is grieving I now realise that the time I have had at home, was very much needed. A time to be with my feelings. For anyone who is grieving www.juliasamuel.co.uk Her insta-lives have helped immensely.

Lockdown has taught me so much, like most people I have gone through so many emotions. Mine and probably everyone’s biggest heartfelt thank you goes to our NHS and all the Key-workers, who have looked after the nation, during this time when we were at home, staying safe or social distancing.

I am grateful that Lockdown encouraged us to phone each other more often and to check in with each other. Lockdown life was very much about community spirit, helping others, making, creating and being more resourceful with all that we had in our homes. I am guessing my cyber intake excelled. It was good to have so many positive people doing things on line.

Now, after Lockdown 3, life feels very different and very new. I am so looking forward to the next chapter, of our new life, reconnecting with friends and rediscovering this beautiful island.

Obviously, so much has happened in 2020/2021. Here are some of the things that I am grateful for:-

My beautiful Purrs, who make my heart smile daily.
My Husband.
My Yoga group.
The Internet for keeping me in touch with friends, old and new.
Fresh air and a daily walk in nature (in rain, shine or mud).
The wildlife that joined us on our walks (Cows, Horses, Sheep, Lamas, Alpacas, Goats, Foxes, Ducks, Geese, Goshawks, Kestrels, Woodpeckers, Jays, Robins to name a few).
The chance to learn some new recipes.
The opportunity to start blogging.
The chance to read, re-read and re-gift some great books.
Podcast talks listened and learned from.
Completing my first jigsaw since childhood.
Playing Scrabble.
Baking bread for the first time since school and it’s true, you do want to eat it in one hit.
Living in the moment.

Above all, I am incredibly grateful for this one very precious thing called “Life”.

That was my little reflect, what would your’s look like?

The clocks have moved forward, so British summer time begins. The Island is getting ready for what I would imagine will be a very busy season. Already so many establishments have made new and exciting changes. I do look forward to having a little pre-season explore and perhaps taking my camera out on an “Artists Date”. From a wellbeing point of view, I very much look forward to introducing lots of other beautiful places to this blog.

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind”

Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

Stay safe everyone.

Jules xx

Instagram ElementsofhappinessIOW


Easter …


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