My Wight wild life …


Hi Guys

As we find ourselves in week 10 of LD3. It is also nearly a year since we have been in a Lockdown situation. We have been so incredibly vigilant in our little bubble with all three Lockdowns, that I now feel that we are seriously ready for our next new chapter of this one very precious life.

In the meantime, let me introduce to this week’s gratitude walk, which as you will soon see really did lift my soul.


What is it about animals that fills us up with so much happiness? This was definitely one of those walks.

This one entails a beautiful woodland called Borthwood Copse. Once again, we came home on a huge high just from all the animals that we saw. As, we came out of the woods, one of the first animals we saw was this lovely goat, which did actually come to us, when I called it, my “inner farmer” obviously. There were three of them, but this one was actually one of the bravest, so ended up singled out for a little photo shoot.


We then went to a local nature reserve and fed the blue tits and several squirrels with some seeds, much needed seeds. They are always so grateful to be fed at this time of year and suddenly become very tame too, which is very unusual for “Reds”. This was a massive highlight to have caught them on camera. As you can see these dear little souls remained very vigilant throughout their much desired lunch.


On our walk back home we then saw this beautiful Highland Cow, before we stood back in the Copse whilst a couple of woodpeckers played “guess where we are” with us. We didn’t see them but we enjoyed their woodland rhythms.


One thing nature has taught me, is that no matter how I feel before a walk, I always feel totally regenerated afterwards. Fresh air means, fresh thoughts, which means fresh ideas. We are definitely at a stage where it is time to branch out and perhaps have a little change of direction in life.

Until next time.

Stay safe.

Jules xx


Time to reflect …


March is here…