Tiers and Technology

If you had told me in January 2020, that I would have a blog and would be writing a title called Tiers and Technology, I think I may have given you a little confused look. So!


2020 actually taught me a lot. Lockdown 1 gave us all the time to do some serious thinking and sorting out in our lives. It gave me the opportunity to go through a couple of decades of photography stored on my computer, (which was in fact my main decider on building/having a website built). I was able to edit my landscape images, but I am pleased to say images of friends and family are still in absolute abundance.

I also learnt to sit still and give myself permission to read more, listen to podcasts, follow inspirational speakers and to invite more “uplifting” newsletters into my inbox. It also taught me that while I merrily keep saying “I don’t do/like technology”, that I have now in fact learnt a lot from it.

Everything in my life is based on technology. My phone, my address book, my diary, my footsteps, the weather, my groceries etc etc. Another reality I now realise is that the last time I went to a High Street shop other than for groceries was a very probably February 2020!! How times change.

Actually, I’m incredibly grateful to technology because, it keeps me linked to my friends via Zoom, Google Meet, Face-time, as does blogging which is proving very therapeutic. So as life is all about balance, the next part is about leaving technology behind, well nearly!

We are in Tier 4 which mainly means stay at home, however exercise is allowed and we are very fortunate to live near so many natural spaces. This morning we headed for the “Downs” because it quite literally has, an ‘easy like Sunday morning’ feel to it.

Once there, we realised two things, lots of parked cars and it was incredibly chilly. However, it was very easy to be socially distanced. After walking for about 20 minutes (or was it 10) it was so cold, icy tears streamed down my face and even with gloves we were both cold. It was becoming very apparent, very quickly that this was perhaps going to be a short walk.

However, what happened next was incredible. I was standing next to a gate looking out to sea, when suddenly on the brow of the hill I saw some cows, yep cows do graze here, that is pretty normal. As an avid cow follower I know this!

The next bit was quite surreal. Suddenly this little herd joined together and did a group run towards me. They were so close and so trusting, I could almost have touched them. There was a fence between us, otherwise I do think I would have been feeling slightly different about the whole thing! It was at this moment that my mood and mindset went rapidly from being frozen and wanting to go home to one of total awe. I was in nature with these magnificent animals and one more reason to have a mindful walk.

The moral of my story then, is that we have tiers, technology and nature and today I celebrate them all.

Find something you are interested in and keep tremendously interested in it - Julia Child

Until next time. I am on instagram - elementsofhappinessIOW

Stay safe.

Jules x



Spicy Pineapple Stir fry

