The art of appreciation …

Sadly on Monday, it was announced that we, as a Country are going into full lockdown, the virus is spreading and the NHS may be overwhelmed, which is incredibly sad.

So this week I am continuing my theme of practising mindfulness, daily gratitude and the art of appreciation.

Lockdown on an island is easily managed from an exercise point of view, we are very fortunate to have so many open green spaces and coastal places to walk and social distancing is social distancing at it’s best.

My five a day, lockdown 3, self care plan now looks like this:-

  1. Have a walk and some fresh air each day, even if it is really cold and wet.

  2. Think more carefully about what I eat.

  3. Reduce screen time, social media and scrolling (be kind to your mind).

  4. Listen to or read something positive/do a jigsaw

  5. Keep a gratitude journal.

We have tried to keep calm and carry on walking, with our one national piece of exercise a day. Our walks this week have been very akin to Dr Dolittle. Each daily walk has brought a different animal into the day, that made us smile and proved that fresh air is indeed the best therapy.

Highlands cows are back in their lower field (very close to home) and they were good enough to come up to the gate for a little inquisitive “Hello”. As we go deeper into blogging my love of Highland cows, I am sure will shine through.

We then had the same walk the following day and discovered three sheep had grazed their way out of their paddock, I have to say we are definitely a couple of townies at heart because we were all ready to rescue and guide them back to safety, with our special sheep guiding expertise! However after one phone call and standing with them for a while (they weren’t near a road) we left Mother Nature to do her thing, if they grazed their way out, we had to guess that they would graze their way back in.

A couple of bleak days, on the weather front, but ever determined to get some fresh air and footsteps we still walked around the block.

One day we decided to go for a walk across a field, (like, a real field with mud and cabbages in it), where we had a little chat with a local llama. Apparently llamas have ears like bananas and alpacas tend to have chunky coats and fringes (a bit like Highland cows). As we slopped through our new super muddy route, we were joined by a kestrel; one day I will capture him on camera, but until then we just enjoy his prowess and flying displays.

Then, this morning, we met a couple of horses in a field, who decided that they too would stroll along with us, with just a fence between us.

This is why I feel our one a day walk/exercise is essential and so uplifting for our mental health.

Also on the wellbeing front I was also fortunate enough to listen to a Podcast by @Dr Chatterjee interviewing @Dr Edith Eger, (approx 1hr 40m). Dr Eger’s story is one that is incredibly humbling and Dr Chatterjee’s understanding and empathy was too.

My daily gratitude journal is forever present, as you can see from this blog alone - I/we have so much to be grateful for!

The daylight hours are getting longer, which is also encouraging.

On Wednesday 13th January 2021, there will be a New Moon. The New Moon represents a time for generating new projects and new beginnings. A good time for growth and self belief.

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere” Vincent Van Gogh

Thank you for reading. I am also on Instagram ElementsofHappinessIOW

Until next time.

Stay safe.

Jules xx


Books and Bakes …


Spicy Pineapple Stir fry